Health & Wellness

Q&A: Sometimes when I sit for long time, my vagina goes numb is that normal?

“Yikes, my hand is asleep!” That funny yet irritating feeling that we’ve all had in our hands or feet one time or another is caused by sitting in one position for too long. This sensation is usually produced by the compression of small nerves and sometimes blood vessels and should go away with movement and a little bit of time.
Other times, that numb, tingling feeling can be caused by other types of nerve compression or swelling (like in your lower spine or in the pelvis itself, for example). Make an appointment to see your healthcare provider so he/she can pinpoint exactly what is causing your numbness and develop a treatment plan for you!
“Yikes, my hand is asleep!” That funny yet irritating feeling that we’ve all had in our hands or feet one time or another is caused by sitting in one position for too long. This sensation is usually produced by the compression of small nerves and sometimes blood vessels and should go away with movement and a little bit of time.
Other times, that numb, tingling feeling can be caused by other types of nerve compression or swelling (like in your lower spine or in the pelvis itself, for example). Make an appointment to see your healthcare provider so he/she can pinpoint exactly what is causing your numbness and develop a treatment plan for you!
I used to ride horses and, after riding for a long time, my vulva would feel a bit irritated or numb. Then again, a western saddle and a big quarter horse aren't expected to be as comfortable as a recliner! So if the chair you're sitting on or the way you're sitting is putting any undue pressure on your vulva, then I would think that was the cause. However, if you're sitting in a comfortable chair and in a comfortable position, then I can't think of any reason you should experience numbness. I would contact your healthcare provider if you pay attention to comfort and the numbness continues.
Sitting for a long time can cause your body to do strange things! (As you well know if you've ever had your foot fall asleep on you.) I've never heard of a vagina going numb from sitting too long, so I can't say for sure whether it's totally fine or something you should see your healthcare provider about, but I'm sure Sandy will have good advice on this one. In the meantime, it couldn't hurt to stand up and walk around more often to keep your blood flowing!